And suddenly you's time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings.
This is an idea that has been floating around in my head for a while, now with Ann here for a visit, the old saying two heads are better than one, comes true and together we have started our own blog just for our stitching friend's group Welcome Lynn, Joan and Heather to the new adventure.
we started with the choice of backgrounds, and then the fun of finding a photo we could play with and crop for the heading....... I have at the moment a lovely vase of lilac in my room, I wish you could all enjoy it's wonderful scent but the best I can do is share the photo with you
it will take a while before this fledgling blog is fully up and running but please try and leave a comment to tell me you have seen it.
More news soon
it will take a while before this fledgling blog is fully up and running but please try and leave a comment to tell me you have seen it.
More news soon
Great beginning to your Blog and will read with great interest.